National Chemistry Week
National Chemistry Week (NCW) is a community-based annual event that unites ACS local sections, businesses, schools, and individuals in communicating the importance of chemistry to our quality of life.
If you have any questions, please contact the National Chemistry Week Coordinator, Evonne Baldauff, at [email protected].
Interested in reading about National Chemistry Week 2022? Check out The NCW Poetry Contest 2022.
Congratulations to National Chemistry Week Chair Evonne Baldauff – Pittsburgh Mentioned in C and E News Article
Pittsburgh’s National Chemistry Week/ChemFest program was mentioned in Chemical and Engineering News, December 9-16, 2019 Issue. See the full article here.
20 Consecutive Years of National Chemistry Week Success

Total attendance for the two-day event was 4,680 (2,346 on Friday, 2,334 on Saturday). Average attendance at the annual event for the past 5 years has been 4,600.
Thanks go to the over 40 organizations that conducted hands-on experiments and demos, event programming, or helped manage event activities. There were a total of 357 volunteers who participated in the 2018 celebration. Of the 357 volunteers, 177 (50%) were ACS members. The NCW Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your support of the NCW program. It took 357 individuals working together to make this event a success!
In addition, this event would not be possible without the help of our partners the SACP, SSP, PPG SEC, PPG Foundation and our host the Carnegie Science Center!
NCW Co-Chairs Evonne Bauldaff and Michael Mautino
Volunteers from the Mautino family – Lindsey, Tyler, Michael, Sharon, Darcy, and Nancy Lambing
McKnight Elementary students with Michael Mautino, and Nancy Lambing, Darcy Mautino (McKnight Librarian), Alice Hakos, Sharon Mautino