Pittsburgh Local Section NCW activities for 2023
Join us for a series of events throughout the entire week. Watch for emails and check our Facebook page and website for updates! For additional information regarding any of these events, contact NCW Coordinator, Evonne Baldauff, at [email protected].
Event 1: “Gene-age Dream” Wet-lab experiments at the Carnegie Science Center.
We are collaborating with the CSC to host a series of wet chemistry labs on October 16, 18, and 19. Teachers from local schools will bring groups of 24 students to participate in a full laboratory experience that they may not get in their schools. Volunteers are needed to serve as lab assistants and will work directly with participants. Multiple daily lab sessions run from 10:15-11:15 AM and 11:30-12:30 PM. Up to 8 volunteers are needed each day. To sign up, contact Evonne Baldauff ([email protected]).
Event 2: SciTech Days: Health and Medicine demonstrations and Career Panel at the Carnegie Science Center.
A traditional exposition-style event, schools from the Pittsburgh region and surrounding communities will bring students to experience hands-on demonstrations and activities on October 20th. Volunteers are needed to host demonstration tables and serve as career panelists. Volunteer through the following form: https://forms.gle/DLFNBsiFcC3pfvvW6
Event 3: ACS Student Chapter Mini-ChemFest Events
Exclusive for undergraduate chapters, host your own ChemFest outreach event for local schools in your geographic area using the NCW 2023 theme. Funding of up to $200 is available. To sign up, contact Evonne Baldauff ([email protected]) or Marsha Grimminger ([email protected]).