Younger Chemists Committee

The Younger Chemists Committee is dedicated to servicing the section’s members who are 35 and under with the following two mission statements:
1. The Younger Chemists Committee (YCC) advocates for and provides resources to early-career chemists and professionals in the chemical sciences and related fields.
2. The YCC addresses specific issues facing younger chemists within the ACS and serves as a voice to the Society on behalf of younger chemists
The three main goals of this group include:
- Make the ACS relevant to younger chemists
- Dramatically increase the involvement of younger chemists in all levels of the ACS
- Integrate younger chemists into the profession
Membership in the YCC is open to all. If you are interested in joining or want more information, please contact our current Chair.
Current Officers
Chair: Dan Siroky – [email protected]
Projects and Outreach: Karoline Eckhart – [email protected]
Treasurer: Chad Ratterman
Secretary: Chris Kottke
All events are free to attend.