​1. What is your work and ACS (if applicable) title?

Senior Field Sales Engineer, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc.
ACS Pittsburgh Section Director

2. How many years have you been in the ACS?

24 years

3. What is the biggest benefit of ACS Membership?

The ACS has been a huge blessing to my life. I’ve met remarkable people, made cherished friends, and gotten to hone skillsets I don’t normally get to use in my career.

4. What did you want to be when you were a child?

I was convinced I’d be a teacher. I used to make lesson plans for the summer and make my little sister go to “basement school” every day. Poor girl!

5. What made you fall in love with Chemistry?

My 10th grade Chemistry Teacher, Mrs. Roscoe, made me fall in love with chemistry. She made Chemistry exciting, and when she did her stoichiometry lesson, magic happened for me!

6. How did you get into your current position?

As a Senior at Pitt, I was a student aide working in the Employment Bureau at Pittcon. At that time, everything was paper, and all the HR representatives were telling me to be in sales as I shuffled resumes and scheduling cards around the bureau. I was adamantly against this because sales reps annoy me. But here I am, almost 25 years later, still a sales rep. The difference with me is that I don’t feel like a sales rep at all. I feel like a problem solver, a customer advocate, and a vessel to promote science anywhere I can!

7. What is your favorite book and why?

I love Simon Sinek’s Start with Why (How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action). I love being inspired by people and studying what inspires others to achieve.