Distinguished Service
The Distinguished Service Award was established in 2007 by the Pittsburgh Section of ACS to expand and replace the predecessor Chairman’s Award of the section. Both recognize outstanding volunteer service to the section. The Award, consisting of a plaque, is presented annually at a section dinner open to the public.
Members of the Pittsburgh Section, past or present, who have provided outstanding service in advancing the Pittsburgh Section are eligible for consideration. Nominations for the Pittsburgh Award are solicited from the membership of the Pittsburgh Section.
2024 Recipient – Dr. Kimberly Woznack
Dr. Kimberly Woznack is a Professor at Pennsylvania Western University – California (formerly California University of PA). She serves as the Faculty Advisor of the ACS Student Chapter.
After attending the ACS Leadership Institute on the Younger Chemists Committee (YCC) track in 2011, she began her service on national committees. She was a member of the national Women Chemists Committee (WCC) from 2011-2020 serving as Chair from 2018-2020. She is currently a member of the national Local Section Activities Committee (LSAC) where she serves as the Chair of the Grants & Awards Subcommittee. She will start a term on the Council Policy Committee (CPC) in 2025. At the local level, Kim has served as a Councilor since 2017. She served as Chair of the Pittsburgh Local Section in 2022. She has served on the local section Awards committee, Finance committee, she is a member of the local WCC, and she worked to secure funding from LSAC for the Pittsburgh Strategic Planning Retreat held in Fall 2022. Dr. Woznack was named as an ACS Fellow in 2022.
Call for Nominations
Nominations for the Distinguished Service Award are typically accepted through August 15 of the award year. Please submit nominations to the Chair-Elect, Dr. Ronghong Lin, at [email protected]. View the Distinguished Service Nomination Form here.
Past Recipients
2023 Tabitha Riggio
2022 Matthew Price
2021 Evonne Baldauff
2020 No Award Given
2019 No Award Given
2018 Guy Berry
2017 Fu-Tyan Lin
2016 Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh (SACP)
2016 Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh (SSP)
2015 Paul Johnson
2014 Robert Baudoux
2014 Heather Juzwa
2013 Gerald Carlson
2012 Richard Danchik
2011 V. Michael Mautino
2010 Mordecai Treblow
2009 Mildred B. Perry
2008 W. Richard Howe
2007 Robert Witkowski