Pittsburgh Section Honors
2024 Honors
AAPS Elevated Univeristy of Pittsburgh Distinguished Professor Steven Little to Fellow
Published in Grant and Award Annoucement, July 31st, 2024, EurekAlert! AAPS elevates Pitt Distinguished Professor St | EurekAlert!

Steven R. Little

Steven R. Little
Distinguished Professor and departmentental chair of Chemical and Petroluem Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh Steven R. Little is one of eight American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) selected to elevate to Fellow status in recognition of of professional excellence and impact on the field revelent to AAPS. AAPS’s mission is to advance the ability of pharmaceutical scientists to develop products and therapies that improve global health.
From the article:
According to an announcement by AAPS, Little is recognized for his extraordinary scholarship and expertise in the field of controlled release mechanisms of drug delivery, permitting targeted delivery to inaccessible tissues. He and his cohort will be formally inducted before the membership at PharmSci 360 on Sunday, October 20 in Salt Lake City.
“These eight individuals exemplify the spirt of pharmaceutical science,” 2024 AAPS President Gopi Shankar, PhD, M.B.A., FAAPS, said. “Their scientific leadership has led to advancements in support of patients worldwide across multiple disciplines. I am honored to share the stage with them at PharmSci 360 in October.”
“Steven is a remarkable innovator who has garnered an international reputation for his pharmaceutics and drug delivery research,” noted Sanjeev G. Shroff, Interim U. S. Steel Dean of Engineering at Pitt. “I congratulate him on behalf of the Swanson School and look forward to his future accomplishments in what is already an outstanding young career.”
Tilton to Recieve the 2024 American Chemical Society Award in Colloid Chemistry
Published in Carnigie Mellon Univeristy Chemical Engineering September 8th 2023, Tilton to receive American Chemical Society Award

Bob Tilton
Dr. Tilton was awarded the ACS Colloid Chemistry award at ACS spring 2024 in New Orleans for his outstanding work which advances the fundamental understanding of colloidal and interfacial phenomenda that involves compositional and structual complexity of multicomponent fluids and nanoscale polymer brushes with controlled architectures.
Tilton’s research focuses on three main components including multicomponent mixtures idealized for industry, nanoparticulate polymer brushes that serve as highly efficient emulsifiers, and transferring concepts from application domains to develop new solutions for technical challenges.
From Carnigie Mellon Univeristy Chemical Engineering:
Tilton says it is particularly meaningful to receive the same award as his Ph.D. advisor at Stanford University, Alice P. Gast, who was honored with the 2006 ACS Award in Colloid Chemistry.
Waldeck of the Univeristy of Pittsburgh Awarded 2024 Edward W. Morley Medal
Published in the July 22nd issue of the Chemical & Enginerring News, Volume 20, Issue 22. Waldeck awarded 2024 Edward W. Morley Medal
David Waldeck, a long time professor of the Univeristy of Pittsburgh since 1985 delivered his Morley talk titles “Chiral-Induced Spin Selectivity (CISS) and Its Implications in Chemistry.” at the ACS Cleaveland May 30th 2024 meeting. His work looks to link the mechanistic properties of chiral-induced spin selectivity with the practical applications.
From C&EN:
In 1999, Waldeck codiscovered, with Ron Naaman of the Weizmann Institute of Science, the CISS effect, which was featured in Science. CISS is a leading new theme in physical chemistry and is growing in importance for redox biochemistry, electrochemical synthesis, condensed matter physics, and prebiotic chemistry and origins of life. The Cleveland Section of ACS sponsors the Morley Medal to recognize significant contributions to chemistry through achievements in research, teaching, engineering, research administration, or public service; outstanding service to humanity; or industrial progress in the region within roughly 250 mi (about 400 km) of Cleveland.
2023 Honors
Two Pittsburgh Local Section Members Win National ACS Awards
Published in the January 2 issue of Chemical & Engineering News, 2023 ACS National Award winners—Part I

Neil M. Donahue
2016 Pittsburgh Award Winner and Lord University Professor of Chemistry at Carnegie Mellon University Neil M. Donahue won the 2023 National ACS Award for Creative Advances in Environmental Science and Technology. This award is sponsored by the Aerodyne Research and the ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry and will be presented for the inception and development of the volatility basis set to represent organic particulate matter in the atmosphere.
From C and E News:
Donahue on his scientific hero: “My father, Thomas Donahue, was a real rocket scientist who started the use of sounding rockets with leftover ordinance. He ultimately discovered that ‘Venus was all wet,’ and this was the title he wanted for the article describing findings of the Pioneer Venus Multiprobe.” What Donahue’s colleagues say: “Neil has been a principal player in virtually every important intellectual development in the field of atmospheric chemistry and aerosol formation over the past 2 decades. His work has consistently shifted the paradigms of atmospheric chemistry.”—John Seinfeld, California Institute of Technology

Peter Wipf
2012 Pittsburgh Award Winner and Distinguished University Professor at the University of Pittsburgh Peter Wipf won the 2023 National ACS Award for Creative Work in Synthetic Organic Chemistry. The award is sponsored by MilliporeSigma and will be presented for the discovery of innovative methods in heterocyclic and strain-release chemistry and the development of novel strategies to synthesize complex natural and unnatural molecules.
From C and E News:
Wipf on his most memorable project: “Two of my students discovered serendipitously an early-transition-metal-mediated cascade reaction that introduced nine new C–C bonds. When we thought about possible mechanisms, we speculated that a bicyclo[1.1.0]butane might serve as a key intermediate. Amazingly, this actually turned out to be the case, and it started a still ongoing, most stimulating research effort on the chemistry of bicyclobutanes in my lab.”
What Wipf’s colleagues say: “Peter’s work has contributed significantly to virtually every aspect of modern organic synthesis. He is one of the scientific leaders in this field, and dozens of his novel small molecules are used as probe molecules for biological pathways and as therapeutic lead structures.”—Dennis Curran, University of Pittsburgh
2022 Honors
Congratulations to ACS Pittsburgh Section Chair Kim Woznack – 2022 ACS Fellow
Dr. Kimberly Woznack, the current Chair of the Pittsburgh Section of the ACS, was named as a 2022 ACS Fellow. Kim has been involved in the American Chemical Society for over a decade. She was a member of the Women Chemists Committee (WCC) from 2011-2020 and served as Chair of the WCC for the last three years. She is currently a member of the Local Section Activities Committee, serving on the Grants and Awards Subcommittee. Kim has been serving as Chair of the Pittsburgh Section of the ACS for the past year. Congratulations on this well deserved honor, Kim!
2021 Honors
Pittsburgh Local Section NCW Poetry Contest Winner Takes National Award
As part of National Chemistry Week (NCW) 2021, which took place October 17–23, 2021, students from grades K-12 were invited to share their interpretation of this year’s theme, “Fast or Slow: Chemistry Makes It Go!” in the form of illustrated poems. The Pittsburgh Local Section Grades 3-5 winner winner took second place in the national competition! Congratulations, Mira M.! You make Pittsburgh proud!
Pittsburgh Local Section CCEW Poetry Contest Winner Takes National Award
As part of Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW) 2021, which took place April 18-24, students from grades K-12 were invited to share their interpretation of this year’s theme, “Reducing Our Footprint with Chemistry,” in the form of illustrated poems. Over 600 students participated in 29 local sections and 58 local winners advanced to the national contest. The Pittsburgh Local Section K-2 winner took second place in the national competition! Congratulations, Shri A. from Bradford Woods Elementary School! You make Pittsburgh proud!
Congratulations to Anna C. Balazs – 2021 ACS Fellow
Dr. Anna C. Balazs from the University of Pittsburgh was named a 2021 ACS Fellow. Election to NAS, which is more than 150 years old, recognizes scientists and engineers for their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research and is considered one of the highest scientific honors bestowed in the US. Congratulations, Anna!
Congratulations to ACS Pittsburgh Section Member Kristin Nuzzio – Featured in C and E News
ACS Pittsburgh Section Member and 2021 YCC Chair Kristin Nuzzio was recently featured in C and E News! Read Looking to lead? ACS offers opportunities for younger chemists. Congratulations, Kristin!
Congratulations to ACS Pittsburgh Section Member – Noa Marom – ACS COMP Spring 2021 Winner
Dr. Noa Marom from Carnegie Mellon University has won the Spring 2021 OpenEye Outstanding Junior Faculty Award in Computational Chemistry from the American
Chemical Society Division of Computers in Chemistry (COMP). The OpenEye Outstanding Junior Faculty Award in Computational Chemistry assists new faculty members in gaining visibility in the COMP community. Congratulations, Noa!
Congratulations to Pittsburgh Section Member Shanti Swarup – National ACS Tess Award Winner
Congratulations to ACS Pittsburgh Section Member and Associate Fellow at PPG, Shanti Swarup. He is the winner of the 2021 Roy W. Tess Award in Coatings, sponsored by the ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering. The award honors contributions to coatings science, engineering, and technology. Swarup is being honored for developing unique polymers used in commercial coatings. He will receive a plaque and a $3,000 cash prize. Congratulations, Shanti!
Congratulations to Kay Brummond – ACS National 2021 Award for Encouraging Women into Careers in the Chemical Sciences
Dr. Kay Brummond from the University of Pittsburgh has won the ACS National 2021 Award for Encouraging Women into Careers in the Chemical Sciences. This award, sponsored by The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc., recognizes significant accomplishments by individuals who have stimulated or fostered the interest of women in chemistry, promoting their professional developments as chemists or chemical engineers. Congratulations, Kay!
2019 Honors
Congratulations to National Chemistry Week Chair Evonne Baldauff
Pittsburgh Mentioned in C and E News Article
Pittsburgh’s National Chemistry Week/ChemFest program was mentioned in Chemical and Engineering News’ December 9/16,2019 Issue. See the full article here.
Congratulations to Pittsburgh Section Member and Former Pittsburgh Award Winner Dr. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski
2020 Nichols Medalist
Former Pittsburgh Award Winner Dr. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski has been named the 2020 Nichols Medalist. This distinguished award, established in 1902 by Dr. William H. Nichols, recognizes original research in chemistry and was the first award authorized by the American Chemical Society. Investigators who have published a significant and original contribution in any field of chemistry during the five calendar years preceding the presentation meeting are eligible for consideration by the Nichols Medal Jury. Congratulations, Kris!
ACS Pittsburgh Section Member Rachel Harris Featured in ACS Industry Matters Newsletter
ACS Pittsburgh Section Member Rachel Harris was recently featured in ACS’s Industry Matters Magazine for her work at PPG. See the article here. Congratulations, Rachel!
Rachel Harris photo credit: Sasha Aquino
Two Pittsburgh Section ACS Members Win National Awards in San Diego
Congratulations to two of our Pittsburgh Local Section Members for winning ACS National Awards at the fall meeting in San Diego.
Angela M. Gronenborn from the University of Pittsburgh won the E. Bright Wilson Award in Spectroscopy which recognizes outstanding accomplishments in fundamental or applied spectroscopy in chemistry.
Anil Kumar from PPG won the ACS Award for Creative Invention which recognizes a single inventor for the successful application of research in chemistry and/or chemical engineering that contributes to the material prosperity and happiness of people.
Congratulations to ACS Pittsburgh Section Member Paulette Vincent-Ruz
Featured in Chemical and Engineering News – Named 2019 CAS Future Leader
CAS is a division of the American Chemical Society, which publishes C&EN. The Future Leaders program offers PhD students and postdocs the opportunity to gain leadership skills and learn about the chemical information industry. Participants will visit CAS in Columbus, Ohio, and attend the fall ACS national meeting in San Diego. Congratulations, Paulette!
Congratulations to ACS Pittsburgh Section Councilor Kimberly Woznack
Featured in Chemical and Engineering News
ACS Pittsburgh Section Councilor and National Women Chemists Committee Chair Kimberly Woznack wrote an article in Chemical and Engineering News, “Embracing the glorious diversity of ACS” Congratulations, Kimberly!
Congratulations to the University of Pittsburgh Department of Chemistry and Department of Environmental Health and Safety
The American Chemical Society Division of Health and Safety (CHAS) has awarded these departments with the 2019 SafetyStratus College and University Health and Safety Award for having an outstanding undergraduate laboratory safety program! Congratulations, University of Pittsburgh!
Two Pittsburgh Section ACS Members Win National Awards
University of Pittsburgh R.K. Mellon Professor and Chair of Physics and Astronomy Hrvoje Petek has won the Ahmed Zewail Award in Ultrafast Science and Technology. Sponsored by Ahmed Zewail Endowment Fund established by the Newport Corporation, this award recognizes outstanding and creative contributions to fundamental discoveries or inventions in ultrafast science & technology in areas of physics, chemistry, biology, or related fields. Congratulations, Hrvoje!
Carnegie Mellon University J.C. Warner Professor of Natural Sciences and 2001 Pittsburgh Award winner Krzysztof Matyjaszewski has won the ACS Award in the Chemistry of Materials. Sponsored by DuPont, this award recognize and encourage creative work in the chemistry of materials. Congratulations, Krzysztof!
2020 Honors
Congratulations to National Chemistry Week Chair Evonne Baldauff – Featured in C and E News
Congratulations to David Waldeck – 2020 ACS Fellow
Dr. David Waldeck from the University of Pittsburgh was named a 2020 ACS Fellow. This honor is bestowed upon members for their outstanding accomplishments in scientific research, education, and public service. Dave was also a fantastic Chair for the local section in 2017 and our esteemed Pittsburgh Award winner in 2013. Congratulations, Dave!
Congratulations to Pittsburgh Section Councilor and National WCC Chair Kimberly Woznack
Featured Author in C and E News
ACS Pittsburgh Section Councilor and National WCC Chair Dr. Kimberly Woznack from California University of Pennsylvania wrote an article published in Chemical and Engineering News. Read Breaking the glass ceiling from home. Congratulations, Kim!
ACS Pittsburgh Section Member Kristin Nuzzio Featured in ACS Industry Matters Newsletter
ACS Pittsburgh Section Member Kristin Nuzzio was recently featured in ACS’s Industry Matters Magazine for her work at PPG. See the article here. Congratulations, Kristin!
2017 Honors
Congratulations to 2016 Pittsburgh Award Winner Dr. Neil Donahue
Now Wins The Esselen Award for Chemistry in the Public Interest
This award is one of the most prestigious honors provided by the Northeastern Section of the American Chemical Society. The award annually recognizes a chemist whose scientific and technical work has contributed to the public well-being, and has thereby communicated positive values of the chemical profession. Congratulations, Neil!
Congratulations to Todd M. Przybycien
2017 ACS Fellow
Dr. Todd Przybycien from Carnegie Mellon University was one of only 65 ACS Fellows named in 2017. This honor is bestowed upon members for their outstanding accomplishments in scientific research, education, and public service. Congratulations, Todd!
Pittsburgh High School Student Onyah Sheely is Named Project Seed Scholar
The American Chemical Society Committee on Project SEED has announced the winners of its 2016–17 college scholarships. The recipients, who were selected from participants in ACS’s Project SEED research program, received one-year nonrenewable scholarships of up to $5,000 to help cover tuition and fees during their freshman year of college. Onyah Sheely is a graduate of Imani Christian Academy in Pittsburgh. Under the guidance of Robyn Francis at Covestro, Sheely conducted research titled “Competitive Comparisons between Multiple Carbonate Grades.” Sheely is majoring in chemistry at Howard University. Thanks, Robyn and Covestro and good luck and congratulations, Onyah!
2018 Honors
Three Pittsburgh Local Section Members Receive National ACS Awards
September was a great month for the Pittsburgh Local Section. Three of our members received 2019 National ACS Awards. Shanti Swarup from PPG won the ACS Award in Applied Polymer Science for outstanding achievements in the science or technology of plastics, coatings, polymer composites, adhesives, and related fields. 2001 Pittsburgh Award Winner Krysztof Matyjasewski from Carnegie Mellon University won the ACS Award in the Chemistry of Materials for creative work in the chemistry of materials. Hrvoje Petek from the University of Pittsburgh won the ACS Award in Ultrafast Science & Technology for outstanding and creative contributions to fundamental discoveries or inventions in ultrafast science & technology in areas of physics, chemistry, biology, or related fields. Congratulations, all!
University of Pittsburgh Professor Jill Millstone Selected as the Kavli Emerging Leader Speaker for 2019, Featured in C and E News
The Kavli lecture series is a result of a collaboration between ACS and The Kavli Foundation, an internationally recognized philanthropic organization known for its support of basic scientific innovation. Jill discussed how the interactions between metal atoms and ligands predict the final architectures and physical properties of nanomaterials, including dramatic changes in both optoelectronic and magnetic behaviors. Congratulations, Jill!
Photo: Jill Millstone, Harry Atwater, published in published in C and E News August 27, 2018
Congratulations to the University of Pittsburgh’s Daniel Lambrecht
Spring 2018 COMP ACS Winner
The American Chemical Society Computers in Chemistry (COMP) Division has awarded University of Pittsburgh Assistant Professor Daniel Lambrecht with one of four 2018 OpenEye Outstanding Junior Faculty Awards in Computational Chemistry. He was awarded for his work entitled Constructing Optimal Structure-Function Relations Directly from First Principles. ‘
Congratulations to Michael Mautino
2018 Local Section Outreach Volunteer of the Year
Congratulations to ACS Pittsburgh Section Michael Mautino. He has been named 2018 Local Section Outreach Volunteer of the Year! This award was established by ACS National to recognize the immeasurable outreach efforts made by local section volunteers. Congratulations, Mike, and thanks for all you do!
2016 Honors
See the Pittsburgh Section and CERM 2014 Mentioned in Chemical and Engineering News
Our local section was featured in the September 26, 2016 issue of C & E News, in the ChemLuminary Awards write-up. Click here to see the article with our parts highlighted! Congratulations to Michael Mautino and NCW, WCC for their NCW Ronald McDonald House event, and the CERM 2014 Organizing Committee!
Congratulations to 2015 Pittsburgh Award Winner and ACS Pittsburgh Section Member Kay Brummond
In C and E News Feature Story
ACS Pittsburgh Section Member and University of Pittsburgh Department of Chemistry Chair, Kay Brummond was featured in the September 12, 2016 issue of C and E News Story – Women Crack the Academic Glass Ceiling. Congratulations and thanks for being a role model to all women in science, Kay!
Congratulations to Michael Mautino’s National Chemistry Week
ChemFest Featured in Kidsburgh
The Pittsburgh Section ACS’s 2016 National Chemistry Week/ChemFest event is featured in Kidsburgh list of “10 Pittsburgh fall activities for family fun things to do!” See the full list here. Congratulations, Mike!
Congratulations to ACS Pittsburgh Section Member Rena Robinson
Featured in C and E News Talented 12 Cover Story
ACS Pittsburgh Section Member and University of Pittsburgh Professor Rena Robinson was featured in the August 22, 2016 Chemical and Engineering News Cover Story, Talented 12. Read Rena’s story and the entire Talented 12 Cover Story. Congratulations, Rena!
CERM 2014 Wins ChemLuminary for the Outstanding Regional Meeting
Congratulations to the CERM 2014 Organizing Committee! At the ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia on August 23, 2016, the Pittsburgh Section was awarded this prestigious ChemLuminary
Pittsburgh will again host CERM in 2023, a celebration of the Pittsburgh Section’s 120th anniversary. We hope this meeting is even better than CERM 2014!
Congratulations to 2015 Pittsburgh Award Winner and ACS Pittsburgh Section Member Kay Brummond
2016 Diversity Catalyst Lecturer Award Winner
ACS Pittsburgh Section and 2015 Pittsburgh Award Winner, Dr. Kay Brummond, was honored by the Open Chemistry Collaborative in Diversity Equity (OXIDE) as the winner of the 2016 Diversity Catalyst Lecturer Award Winner. She was featured in the August 8, 2016 C and E News Issue! See the article here. Congratulations, Kay!
Mount Lebanon Freshman Hannah Jones wins 1st Place in 2016 Chemists Celebrate Earth Day Illustrated Poetry Contest
Congratulations to Pittsburgh Section Member Dr. Stephen Weber
2016 Winner of the Chromatography Forum of Delaware Valley Dal Nogare Award
Congratulations to Dr. Stephen Weber, the winner of the 2016 Chromatography Forum of Delaware Valley Dal Nogare Award. The award is given each year to the individual who is an outstanding scientist in the field of chromatography. The awardee is selected on the basis of his contributions to the fundamental understanding of the chromatographic process.
Congratulations to Pittsburgh Section Member Dr. Sandy Asher
2016 Winner of the Pittsburgh Analytical Chemistry Award
Congratulations to Dr. Sandy Asher, the winner of the 2016 Pittsburgh Analytical Chemistry Award. The award is established in recognition of an individual’s significant contributions to the field of analytical chemistry including:
- introduction of a significant technique, theory or instrument
- providing exceptional training or a fertile environment for progress in analytical chemistry
The winner will receive a cash award and travel costs to Pittcon and will be included as a speaker in Pittsburgh Analytical Chemistry Award Symposium in his/her honor.
2015 Honors
Pittsburgh’s National Chemistry Week Featured in C&E News AGAIN!
Congratulations to Mike Mautino, Pittsburgh Section’s ACS NCW Coordinator. The Pittsburgh Section’s 2015 NCW festivities were featured in Chemical and Engineering News for the second time this year! Check it out here! Congratulations, Mike!
Pittsburgh Section Wins ChemLuminary Awards
The Pittsburgh Section ACS was awarded two prestigious ChemLuminary Awards on August 18, 2015, during the ACS’s 17th Annual ChemLuminary Awards event, held in Boston, MA as part of the ACS’s 250th National Meeting. The Pittsburgh Section ACS’s National Chemistry Week (NCW) program was awarded “Outstanding Community Involvement in NCW”, recognizing the 42 organizations that participated in the Section’s 2014 NCW program. The Pittsburgh Section ACS was also the recipient of the “Outstanding Performance by a Local Section – Large Size Category”. This award recognized the many outstanding programs and activities the Pittsburgh Section provides members each year, along with recognizing the successful Central Regional Meeting held in Pittsburgh in October 2014. The Pittsburgh Section wishes to thank all of its officers, committee members, and volunteers who continue to help the Section serve the needs of its members. Check out the C&E News article!
Pennsylvania Secretary of Education Visits Duquesne to Discuss Project SEED
Pittsburgh Section Member and long-time Project SEED Mentor Dr. Jennifer Aitken hosted the Pennsylvania Secretary of Education at Duquesne Monday, July 13, 2015. Read the Duquesne University Time’s article. Read NPR’s coverage here.
Congratulations to St. Vincent’s Matthew Fisher
2015 ACS Fellow
Pittsburgh Section Member and St. Vincent Associate Professor Matthew Fisher has been names a 20125 ACS Fellow. The Fellows Program was created by the ACS Board of Directors in December 2008 to recognize members of ACS for outstanding achievements in and contributions to science, the profession, and the Society. Congratulations, Matthew!
Congratulations to Krzysztof Matyjaszewski
2015 Dreyfus Prize in the Chemical Sciences
Carnegie Mellon University’s Krzysztof Matyjaszewski has won the 2015 Dreyfus Prize in the Chemical Sciences. The Dreyfus Prize in the Chemical Sciences is awarded to an individual in a selected area of chemistry to recognize exceptional and original research that has advanced the field in a major way. The prize is awarded biennially and consists of a monetary award of $250,000, a medal, and a citation. The 2015 Topic: Making Molecules and Materials. Congratulations, Kris!
Congratulations to Jill E. Millstone
2015 Cottrell Scholar
University of Pittsburgh Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Dr. Jill E. Millstone, was named a 2015 Cottrell Scholar for her work Using Metal-Ligand Chemistry to Understand, Form, and Tailor Nanoscale Alloys. The Cottrell Scholar Award develops outstanding teacher-scholars who are recognized by their scientific communities for the quality and innovation of their research programs and their academic leadership skills. The Cottrell Scholar Award provides entry into a national community of outstanding scholar-educators who produce significant research and educational outcomes.
Congratulations to Heather Juzwa
2015 E. Ann Nalley Regional Award for Service to the American Chemical Society
Heather Juzwa was selected to win the 2015 E. Ann Nalley Award. This award is meant to recognize the volunteer efforts of individuals who have served the American Chemical Society, contributing significantly to the goals and objectives of the Society through their regional activities.
2014 Honors
Congratulations to John Jackovitz
Society for Applied Spectroscopy Fellow 2014
John was recognized with the Fellows award for his outstanding service to the field of spectroscopy.
Congratulations to Sandy Asher
2015 FACSS Charles Mann Award for Applied Raman Spectroscopy
The Charles Mann Award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated advancement(s) at a conference presented by FACSS in the field of applied Raman Spectroscopy and/or demonstrated dedication to the advancement of the Raman spectroscopy program at a conference presented by FACSS and/or the ASTM Raman subcommittee. Congratulations, Sandy!
Congratulations to Derek Wang
North Allegheny Student and USNCO Finalist – Headed to Hanoi!
The Pittsburgh Section of the American Chemical Society congratulates North Allegheny student Derek Wang. For the second year in a row, Derek was one of 20 USNCO finalists who attended the Chemistry Olympiad Study Camp, June 3-18, 2014, at the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA), in Colorado Springs, CO. The students competed for a spot on the team representing the United States at the 46th International Chemistry Olympiad in Hanoi, Vietnam, July 20-29, 2014. Derek earned a spot and attended the International Competition in Hanoi! Congratulations, Derek!
Li (from left), Chen, Kao, and Wang celebrate after winning their medals.
Photo by Melissa Barranger-Mathys
Congratulations to Pittsburgh Section Councilor Michael Mautino
Michael Mautino is the 2014 ACS Pittsburgh Section Outreach Volunteer of the Year in recognition of his tireless efforts to organize and publicize the Pittsburgh Section’s NCW events. Michael will be recognized among the Local Section Outreach Volunteers of the Year on the national ACS website. Congratulations, Mike!
2013 Honors
Pittsburgh Section Councilor Michelle Coffman Featured in C&EN
Pittsburgh Section Councilor Michelle Cofffman was featured in the December 16, 2013 issue of Chemical & Engineering News for her work on the Committee On Technician Affairs. See the article here. Thanks for your dedication, Michelle!
Congratulations to the YCC’s Lea Veras!
Pittsburgh YCC members congratulate their leader, Lea Veras, for being recognized by Younger Chemists Committee of the American Chemical Society for her past contributions and her leadership qualities. Awarded with the Leadership Development Award, she will be representing our organization by participating in the YCC Leadership Development Workshop.
Congratulations to Nav Shrivastava
National Chemistry Week Illustrated Poetry Contest Winner
The Pittsburgh Section ACS sends its congratulations to Nav Shrivastava, Kindergarten student at Montessori Early Childhood Center, for winning 2nd place in the K-2nd grade category in the 2013 national ACS’s NCW Illustrated Poem Contest!!!
Way to go, Nav!!!
Congratulations to Dr. Dennis Curran
Ernest Guenther Award
Dr. Dennis P. Curran of the University of Pittsburgh won the Ernest Guenther Award in the Chemistry of Natural Products. The purpose of the award is to recognize and encourage outstanding achievements in the analysis, structure elucidation, and chemical synthesis of natural products.
Pittsburgh Section Wins Two ChemLuminary Awards at the Fall Meeting in Indianapolis
The Pittsburgh Section of the American Chemical Society won two prestigious ChemLuminary Awards in Indianapolis on September 10, 2013. The first is for the Environmental Group and their best Sustainability Program. The second is for Outstanding Large Local Section for 2012. Congratulations to all our volunteers for their hard work and dedication!
Congratulations to Terrence J. Collins
2013 ACS Fellow
Dr. Terry Collins from Carnegie Mellon University was one of only 96 ACS Fellows named in 2013. This honor is bestowed upon members for their outstanding accomplishments in scientific research, education, and public service.
Congratulations to Dr. Kris Matyjaszewski
Madison Marshall Award
Dr. Kris Matyjaszewski from Carnegie Mellon University is the winner of the Madison Marshall Award from the ACS North Alabama Section. The award recognizes an outstanding research chemist who has brought international distinction to himself and to the chemical profession.
Congratulations to Dr. Peter Wipf
Morley Medal
Dr. Peter Wipf from the University of Pittsburgh is the winner of the Morley Medal from the Cleveland Section. The award recognizes significant contributions to chemistry through achievements in research, teaching, engineering, research administration, and public service, outstanding service to humanity, or industrial progress in the region.
2012 Honors
Congratulations to John Kitchin
2012 Presidential Early Career Award
Dr. John Kitchin from Carnegie Mellon University is one of 96 researchers chosen by President Barack Obama to receive the annual Presidential Early Career Award for Scientist and Engineers, the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on scientists and engineers in the early stages of their independent research careers.
Congratulations to Daniel Hatfield
Outstanding Physical Chemistry Student Poster
At each ACS national meeting, the Physical Chemistry Division of the ACS recognizes the top student poster presentations. Six outstanding Physical Chemistry student poster presentations were selected for special recognition at the Fall 2012 ACS national meeting in Philadelphia. Daniel Hatfield, an undergraduate in Lillian Chong’s Group at the University of Pittsburgh, was one of the six selected. Daniel’s poster was on “Efficient QM/MM simulations of a diffusion-controlled chemical reaction.” Congratulations to Daniel, and all the winners at the Fall 2012 meeting.
Prof. Martin Gruebele (program Chair) with poster-award winner, Daniel Hatfield (center), and poster judge/postdoc-award winner, Dr. Joshua Vura-Weis
Congratulations to Dr. Jeffrey Evanseck
2012 ACS Fellow
Congratulations to Dr. Jeffrey D. Evanseck for being named as a 2012 ACS Fellow. Dr. Evanseck is a Professor and Fr. Joseph Lauritis Chair of Teaching and Technology in The Bayer School of Natural and Environmental Sciences at Duquesne University. The American Chemical Society has named 96 members as ACS Fellows. The new fellows will be honored at the society’s fall national meeting in Philadelphia this August, in a ceremony hosted by ACS Immediate Past-President Nancy B. Jackson. “ACS is especially proud to honor these chemists, who have given so much to the community and the profession,” said Jackson in announcing the 2012 class of ACS Fellows. They are leaders whose work is having a lasting beneficial impact, not just on science but also on the ACS community.” Their contributions include outstanding and creative scientific research, superior achievements in the teaching and learning of chemistry, managerial excellence, and volunteer service through meetings and communication with the public, she noted. The fellows program began in 2009 as a way to recognize and honor ACS members for outstanding achievements in and contributions to science, the profession, and ACS.
Penn Trafford Senior Lindsay Hill wins 1st Place in 2012 Chemists Celebrate Earth Day Illustrated Poetry Contest
Burkett Elementary School Student Olivia Lyscik wins 2nd Place in
2011 National Chemistry Week Poetry Contest
Congratulations to Olivia and her teacher, Alysssa Kidd!
2011 Honors
Pittsburgh Section Wins Two ChemLuminary Awards in 2011
Outstanding Project Seed Program
The Project Seed Program at Duquesne University is in its seventh consecutive year under the direction of Dr. Jennifer Aitken. This is the second ChemLuminary Award for the Duquesne University Program, having received this award in the fall of 2008.
Entering its eighth year, the Duquesne University Project SEED program has had 33 students participate. Approximately one third of these were male, two thirds female and approximately 50 % white and 50 % African American, Hispanic or biracial.
In 2011, the following organizations supported one project SEED student; The PittsburghSection ACS, SACP, SSP, Bayer Materials and PPG Industries. Congratulations to Duquesne University for their outstanding accomplishments for this award winning program (http://duquesneprojectseed.blogspot.com/).
From left to right: Dr. Joshua Pak (Chair Project SEED), Dr. James Manner (Councilor, Pittsburgh Section), Elizabeth Thornton, Marissa Defratti, (both Sto Rox HS seniors), Josh Lucas (Sto Rox HS teacher), Dr. Bassam Shakhashiri (ACS President Elect).
Outstanding On-Going National Chemistry Week Event
For the 12th consecutive year, the Section’s National Chemistry Week celebration consisted of a two-day event with 335 volunteers representing 31 groups helping to conduct hands-on activities related to the National Chemistry Week theme. Attendance for the event was 4,363.
Lynn Hogue, Chair, Committee on Community Activities,V. Michael Mautino, National Chemistry Week Chair, Joe Francisco, ACS Past President
Indiana University of Pennsylvania Student Affiliates Honored for 2011 National Chemistry Week Video
Check out their video here: