Get to Know a Member – Alysia Mandato


1. What is your work and ACS (if applicable) title?

I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh. I am advised by Professor Sunil Saxena, and I study the biophysical chemistry of proteins and DNA using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. I served as the Secretary of the Pittsburgh Section in 2021 and 2022. I have been The Crucible newsletter editor since 2020, but I’m excited to be passing it on to serve in my new role as 2023 Chair- Elect!


2. How many years have you been in the ACS?

4 years

3. What is the biggest benefit of ACS Membership?

The biggest benefits are the variety of people I get to meet with interests in science and chemistry – chemists, students, and the general public!

4. What did you want to be when you were a child?

A Disney princess!

5. What made you fall in love with Chemistry?

My research experiences in college with a wonderful mentor. He taught me that chemistry gives us the ability to solve large problems at the atomic levels!

6. How did you get into your current position?

I thought I was going to be a medical doctor throughout high school and most of college until I became involved in research with my undergraduate professor. I fell in love with the process of research and loved being in the lab, but I didn’t know that graduate school was an option until near the end of my junior year of college! I ended up applying to many PhD programs, and I chose Pitt because I loved being in Pittsburgh. I’m very grateful for the people I’ve met and experiences I’ve had by being a part of Pittsburgh.

7. Which chemist, part or present, would you like to meet and why?

Marie Curie! It would be incredible to hear about her resilience and passion for chemistry. I would be so nervous though!